Friday, September 01, 2006

Wow!!!!!!! can you believe it is already Sept. 1st??????? Where did the summer go? Time is moving way to fast.
We are starting to get busy again. Whew! This summer was really really slow in town. It was so slow in fact Mary had to quit the Cafe. So for the summer all we had was coffee and tea. John did some baking but he hasn't had time to do any baking lately. Which is ok since both these guys are on diets. Oh, and I suppose your wondering "well, can't Jane cook?" well, NOOOOOO Jane can't cook!!! serious. Jane can't cook or bake. She can hardly handle being the "Barista". And, really I'm not kinding. Ask some of my regular customers. The ladies that come in for knitters night out are afraid to ask her to make them any coffee drinks. She has shown them all how to make there own tea. Her favorite customer in the whole world was Gordy and he moved. It was so sad when he left. He got to the point where he would come in make his own Americano, ring himself up at the register, do his own dishes then leave. Jane always said he was the perfect customer. When Mary did have the Cafe' and it got busy Jane would be the waitress (and I use the term loosely) She was the WORST waitress on earth. And, I am not kinding about that either. Two guys came in and said that they drove an hour because they heard about this waitress in Elmwood. They heard how bad she was and had to see for themselves. It wasn't long after they were in that a new resturant opened in the cities calling themselves "The bad waitress cafe". They took alot of Janes bad waitressing skills and created a whole resturant theme. Anyway, hopefully the cafe will open again with a new waitress. Until then,In my little coffee and tea shop There are 39 different kinds of tea. This little cup brewed up here is Honeybush, which is really not a tea but an herb from South Africa it is very invigorating but caffeine-free. Very Yummy! Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Karen said...

Silly Emporium, Jane can cook-I had her frog eye salad at Mary Ellen's several years back and it was great!