Friday, July 14, 2006

Last night was knitters night out. These ladies are doing some really strange things with wool!!! Guess who made this little number? Lets see what should we call this? Jesse's alter ego? or my Little Mermaid after a really hard night? Jesse is really getting good at needle felting. Jane calls her the rain man of lace, soon it will be the rain man of needle felting. The girl is a fiber artist genius.
Amy, Amy what can we say about Amy. Amy is really a jewelry designer, but she loves to knit and create fun things. She is trying to design a mobile for a new baby, Jesse thought needle felting littles things would be cute, Jane thought little breasts would be nice. Lets see breasts on a crib mobile, I think Jane might have something, maybe she's not so dumb after all. What little baby wouldn't love a needle felted breast mobile hanging over thier crib.
Chris is spinning and knitting like she has been doing it all her life. She is just one of those special people that can do anything right away. She is knitting on a tube sock. Cool!!!

This is Jesse, needle felting little tiny animals and stabing herself every once in awhile. needle felting is not for the squeamish. Be very careful ladies needle felting can be dangerous. Posted by Picasa

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting this beautiful picture of me for the world to envy! YIKES!