Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Farm pictures!!!! These were taken a couple months ago. This is Jane's old girl Brandy. This is the famous Alices mom from Bluff country Shetlands. She is a real sweetheart. Jane really loves her. She may be old but she stills looks Great.

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Kathy said...

So...that's Skittles Grandma, eh? Nice pictures of Jane's ewe, Emporium! It's so nice to see pictures of Skit's family. I'll have to print one and let him see it tomorrow. :)

Anonymous said...

O.k., Jane & John, what have you done with Jeffrey? The rumor mill says you have him locked up in chains upstairs and that he's been forced to work as a coffee roasting indentured servant (slave!).

I of course know this is not true, but it offends me regardless. And I'm sure that Jeffrey, wherever he is, would not appreciate being the subject of such rumor. For that matter, where is that perfectly lovely poem Jeffrey wrote about me recently? Jane? John?

Are you seeking to deprive my public from my immortalization as a living work of art---of poetry? I think my public would be up in arms if they knew you were keeping Jeffrey's humble, yet stellar efforts under a pile of miscellanea on your desk or in some back cyberspace corner of your computer.

On this day (Mon., Jan. 15), celebrating the life and social contributions of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I ask that you, Jane and John, to paraphrase Dr. King's famous quote, "Let my poetry free!"


P.S. In addition, the rumors that Audi has been keeping close quarters with that toffee-nosed upstart of a P.O. (Post Office) are just that---rumors. P.O. (more like P.U.) isn't fit to carry John's man briefs. Crikey! Audi and P.O. live next to one another for gosh sakes! That doesn't mean they're "shacking up"! Word is that the gas station started that rumor to stir up trouble. Can't we buildings of Elmwood just get along? Can't we just live and let live?

Audi, although admitedly is a bit aloof at times, a bit too refined, a bit too administrative, and although considerably stacked (as John might say), is nonetheless a true wonder of enlightened femininity, grace, and splendor. Is it any wonder she gets beneath my paint to the very core of my being? Shame on you rumor mongers!

Anonymous said...


Most evenings,
after most days that I am open,
Jane invariably turns off my lights
and John locks my front door
as they leave for the night.

I in time drift off to sleep
and dream the dreams that many buildings do.
I dream of finding happiness.

My most reoccurring dream is of Audi.
She’s actually quite petite as buildings go—
as bosomy brick goddesses go—
as feminine steeped auditoriums go—
as structurally mystiqued edifices go.
In the woods that inhabit me,
I secretly pine for her.

She but a half-block down—
directly across main street.
So close and yet so distant.

She is so much grander than I am.
She, the civic center of Elmwood’s universe.
A professional institution of renown.
And I but a lonely blue collar haunt,
peopled with my sometimes less than apt proprietors,
eccentric locals, artisans, courtesans,
kind kinder, and yes, off-beat poets too!
I, a working class coffee shop and emporium.

What would someedifice like Audi ever see in me?
She of the high class red brickline.

Sometimes at night in my loneliness,
I hallucinate that if my will were just
in the proper alignment with the master mason,
I might send Audi a message over the phone line.
Oh, it would only at most be a series of rings,
but I hope, believe she would be able
to divine my intent.

But someday, someday, the citizenry may awake
to find me across the street on flattened post office
within inches of my beloved.
With all remaining mortar, brick, metal, wire, and wood
separating me from Audi
carefully nudged out and into the street.

Perhaps then, if she will have me,
we might elope to the banks of the Eau Galle
or mysteriously transport ourselves miles away
to the Kinni in downtown River Falls.

And though we can never have children,
we might adopt nonetheless.
Perhaps a little abandoned shed
that we can raise as our own.
Perhaps he/she might be additioned up
to become an artist’s studio
or a magnet school or a b-n-b.

Anyway, that is my dream.
My friend Jeffrey says
that if any building can accomplish
such a feat without feet—it’s me.

I can only pray that Audi dreams
such likelofted dreams as me.

—Jeffrey Kulow