Wednesday, December 28, 2005

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I hope presents were good. Family and friends were fun and everyone got enough to eat. John got Jane a camera for Christmas, what a joke. She sure is having a hard time understanding it! She did take pictures of her favorite cats. She has been whining about letting me put them on the blog. I told her how I feel about cats. Being a building is really a bummer because all the local tom cats like to spray on ya, really really makes me mad. I hate the smell! I did tell her that this one time I would let her put her stupid cats on my blog. She does love her cats. Next she'll be wanting to post pictures of her sheep, cattle, peacocks and I know she is going to try and sneak a picture of the border collie on the blog. She would have one on already but she's really having a hard time figuring out the new camera.

Brooklyn and Cassandra are drawing at the game table. Aren't they just the cutest. Brooklyn is John and Janes Granddaughter and of course every one knows Cassandra. Cassandra is the local marble champ.

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